Sunday, January 10, 2010

The glass is stupid!

Okay, short one today! I wanted to talk about complaining, as our most natural way of expression (at least to some). Ever had the term "Is the glass half full or half empty?" thrown at your face? To all the cave people out there, the expression is a way to define a persons attitude towards something. Seeing the glass as half full means you are a positive human being, appreciating what is there, and seeing it as half empty means you focus on life's faults and see the negative side of the situation.

Now, most people that know me, know that I'm Mr.Positivity almost all the time (I know, it can be annoying). But even I, very often, despite my quirky take on life, complain about things. Sometimes with no logic backing up my theories. In order to clarify what I mean, I would say that I don't care if the glass is half full or half empty, I just sometimes think the glass itself is ugly!

Considering all the horrifying stories you hear about people and animals all over the world, isn't it just a tad wrong for me, a person with nothing missing in life, to complain about little things, unimportant, meaningless little things, that we could easily oversee without it having an impact on our daily life? Yes, it is, and I should be ashamed! But then the other mini-me, on my left shoulder, the one with the horns, said WHY NOT? Why shouldn't we complain? Complaining doesn't mean we don't care about those less privileged than us. It doesn't mean we are bad people, it just means we've reached a standard to the point where we aim for an even higher one.

Now, i completely agree with the mini-me on my right shoulder, the one with the halo. But I gave that one the rest of the day off, cause the mini-me with the horns had an interesting debate here.

Sure pessimism is bad for your health, but complaining and whining and venting has clinically been proven to lower stress level. Think about it! Complaining is like lifting a giant brick off your chest. You have to get it out. It's a cathartic experience and we all unquestionably do it, wether we vocalize it or not. A quick example, we see someone wearing an awful sweater, we think it.. in our heads we say 'My God, woman! The person that sold that thing to you should be imprisoned and that sweater should be burned and never revealed on the face of this world again!', but we don't actually make a squeak to the person. Complaining is a part of us, dude, it's a vital tool in our emotional survival kit, and I sure have it ready in a whip!

Bottom line here, complaining bad! But complaining good!! So complain away, my good people. Cause if there were no complaints, there would be no improvement.

However, this doesn't mean you should start complaining to me, I don't have time for it. Get a cat, or buy a plant or something!

Go and complain, and tomorrow is a new ba-log day!

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