Monday, August 2, 2010


…I've changed my mind (again) about my blogs. At first, some complained they were too long to read, so I decided to make them shorter. With that announcement, some complained that they liked the long posts!

So, I guess I'll just write whatever comes to mind, if it turns out to be too long to read, then I guess it's not for you, don't read it and find another blog.

Peace, coffee, and tomorrow is another ba-log day!

Half year down, half year to go!

2010 calls for busy times! Since my last blog…sorry, ba-log - on March 29, life has been eventful, in a myriad of ways! Let's do a quick month to month re-cap.

April: "The definer of rest of the year"

It started with me going on a study trip to New York City. Me and a friend went there on April 4, three days earlier than the rest of the group, which gave us a chance to settle in and embark the city on our own terms.

New York was everything I had expected! A city of that excellence deserves a separate blog dedicated to it, as will I do.

So with that being held off for another blog, let's talk volcanoes! Yeah, volcanoes is what I wrote! Last day in New York, pretty sad, most of us wanted to stay, but made the most out of it, partly by spending what we had left. As the evening slowly approaches with its evil plans, we are informed of a certain eruption of a certain volcano, in a certain country, and the ashes are heading a certain way. That's right! Iceland decided to finally make itself visible and noticeable, by stranding thousands of travelers and stopping most of the air transportation system of the northern hemisphere with the eruption of the oh-so-unpronounceable Eyjafjallajokull volcano, in Iceland! Airports became riot central, hotels across Europe doubled their prices for the poor stranded people, and the ash clouds were predicted to fade out and rescind within 1 week to 14 months! I know, that was my reaction too! From 1 week to 14 months??? What the hell kind of a prediction is that?!?! That's like going to the doctor cause your finger hurts, and the doctor 'predicts' that it could be anything from a simple spasm to deadly cancer! How about you do those tests, doc, and find out for real?!

But anyway, there we are, in the middle of Manhattan, mind you we had just checked out of the hotel, barely any money left, and ready to go home, when the news hit us. An internal passive panic started taking over but I quickly got into problem-solving mode! And here we are again, what life is all about - family! I called my sister and had the whole "..1 week to 14 months! I KNOW, right???"-talk, and they saved my ass by transferring greens. Our university stood for hotel expenses. So the sleeping part and the economic part was covered. Now remained the I'm-in-New-York-free-to-do-whatever-I-want-and-it's-a-part-of-my-education part! And if you're gonna be stuck somewhere, there are worse places than Manhattan!!

We ended up staying for 10 extra days, rounding our total stay in America to 23 days.

We returned back home on April 26. Along came May…

May: "Chaos central"

May has been the most stressful month of this year so far. With all the delays and being stranded here and there, my schedule for the rest of the semester completely derailed. I had everything scheduled and planned out, and now had to start over with the same amount of things to do, but almost two weeks less time to do it. Scary shizzle. And this is the ending of my bachelor year in college, so we're talking the Bachelor Project, not just some random project in school.

This drastic turn of events called for drastic cuts and change in plans. I had to drop EVERYTHING I was doing outside of school to finish the project and get my diploma, including dancing, my editing deals, my help in the architectural studio in Copenhagen, and all my side activities and endeavors. It was tough to just let everything go, but sacrifices are inevitable in life. So after dropping everything I was doing to focus on school, I had to encounter everything and everyone this affected. I was supported, understood, hated, helped, banned, cheered, and everything in between. But at the end of the day, what really mattered was achieving my goal, and not failing my education due to other activities. And I did. I am now a Bachelor of Architecture.

Along came June…

June: "Post-war resuscitation"

After the stress mayhem of the spring, in front of me awaited summer! June showed its face. I could finally rewind. I took on my previously dropped activities again, and was able to make up for lost time/work with those who were patient enough to wait for my school stuff to end.

All in all, it turned out to be yet another crazy-but-worthwhile semester. Next up, I flew back home to Macedonia, cause my sister was getting married.

As I was enjoying the warm climate and relaxation, I also managed to get work done. Out of nowhere, I got my first architectural job. I designed and planned a house. Our neighbor was tearing down her old house, and building a new one. She needed an architect. Enter - me! An intensive week of drawing plans, discussing her options, re-drawing everything, meeting with the engineers, her house was complete, and is now under construction.

On the side of my first architectural job, I also upgraded my other fields of work, including video editing. Through a dear friend, I got a professional editing program, and started studying it thoroughly. The result was a successful video, and a start to a whole new world of experimenting with programs. Another boost is my photography, which seems to be going well.

My sister's wedding was nothing but perfection, everything went beautifully.

Next up, July…

July: "Sculpturing what's to come"

Coming back to Sweden, along with my sister and cousin (who were staying with me for about a month), I could sit back and enjoy life.

Everything is organized for next semester. I start my studies again - masters degree in architecture, so two more years of school.

Aside from that, I also got my dancing back on track and will get private classes, looking forward to that.

August: "Stay tuned"

So we're tapping into August. I'm anxiously awaiting next semester, and passing my time with friends and some work. Mostly photography, also some videos.

Now here we are, August 2, I am sitting in a coffeeshop, having my jolt of caffeine and writing a blog to re-cap what's been going on for the last 4 or so months.

Now that that's cleared out, I can go on to more exciting subjects for my upcoming blogs.

So stay tuned, stay focused, and tomorrow is another ba-log day!