Sunday, December 19, 2010

Monday - One day, Tuesday - Two day...

This, my friends, might be the most pointless blog you will ever read, and I love that fact!

But here's the thing, weekdays are a complete joke, aren't they? Who are the fools that invented them, I want names!! Why is time measured as it is? Were there important Neanderthals sitting in a conference room ages ago, in a cave with stale bagels and disgusting coffee going 'What if each time i blink we could call it a measure of time? It is the exact amount of time i need to seclude an almond, so let's call it a sec-ond!' Neanderthal across the table: 'But that's a lot of seconds until the sun goes down, shouldn't we group a number of them and call it something else?'. Neanderthal next to him: 'Well, it takes my wife about sixty seconds to miniaturize a dispute.. We could call it a min-ute!' And so on and so on, all the time quotients were established!

Okay, I'm not really that air-headed. I am aware of the lunar system and how time is mathematically derived, but it's fun to play a dumb american now and then (prejudice party, table for one!).

Anywho, it's interesting to me how moods differ depending on which day of the week it is. I see days very differently (at least i used to, before I started architecture school, now the whole week is just one long day, the exact day is just a technicality).

Let's start with Monday! Monday is like that bad outfit you wore years ago, that still to this day keeps haunting you, showing up in pictures everywhere, mentioned by people all the time. You just can't shake it off. One of my quirky little pleasures is coming up with quotes, and I once quoted "Why does Monday keep coming back? It's so last week!" And it's true. No matter what you did during the week, no matter how fun the weekend was, Monday is always around the corner just waiting to remind you that you have a million things to get done, and you might as well just start right away, cause the day will last FOREVER!

Tuesday is like the witty middle child, often being neutral, but from time to time cracks a joke to ease things up. I know, that's a weird metaphor, you'd have to be in my head to fully understand what I mean.

Wednesday is like the boring cousin named Bert, with zero personality, and is just a pathetic excuse of a participant. Wednesday is like the big sign smacked in front of you saying 'Oh no, don't get all excited yet! You are only almost halfway through the week, and I sure as hell ain't gonna be quick and painless, I'm gonna take my precious time!' and then carries on to eat a doughnut at a slower pace than the 98 year old ex biology teacher neighbor that tries to explain that the prismatic layers of a mollusk consists of calcite or aragonite.

Thursday. I have a hard time defining Thursday. Most of the people I've discussed this with (Yes, I have actually brought up this subject to people) see Thursday as a dull day. I however, for no apparent reason find Thursday quite refreshing. I think it is an excellent alternative to Wednesday. And for some reason, Thursdays have always included an acceptable schedule. I don't know, I like Thursday.

And then there was Friday. There is something about Friday that makes people all delirious and start jumping up and down in excitement screaming "TGIF!!!". I do not understand that and think those people should wear an extra pair of socks and increase their citrus intake. To me, Friday is serene. It is the nice old man at the bookstore you pass by everyday, smiling, wishing you a pleasant day. It is my favorite day. I just wish the hype around it could be normalized.

Saturday. Oh, Saturday. Saturday is the cool kid that keeps up with the hotspots, the up-to-date, successful and satisfied spinster that makes people awe in admiration. It is the day when we remodel the upstairs bathroom, or spruce up the patio. Our alternative to regular choirs.

Sunday at last. To many, including God, the day of relaxation. To me Sunday has nothing to do with relaxation. It is the ticking bomb where the BOOM in the end goes ..3,2,1, MONDAY!!! It is for me the day for preparation and recuperation for the inevitable ubiquity of tomorrow!

That is my very meaningless recap of the days of the week. I realize that so far my ba-logs have been pointless ramblings with sophistication at a concerning level, but the time will come. Depth and sophistication is ordered and on its way, just thought I'd ease into this blogging-thing lightly with a little harmless chitchat.

Enjoy the rest of this particular weekday, and tomorrow is a new ba-log day!