Sunday, January 3, 2010

2009 reminiscence

This morning, as I was eating breakfast and looking around, I stopped to think… and forgot to start again! But moments later I got back on track, and I started to think about last year and everything I did, saw, met, achieved, ate, bought, and so on and so on. At first it seemed as though not much had really happened, but when I went through the year month by month, I realized the plethora of events that occurred in 2009.

Just to name a few - spent the first weeks of the year in Macedonia with my family, where I also got a terrible cold and a sore throat that lasted for days; I had an unforgettably wonderful birthday celebration with my two best friends; experienced my fourth earthquake; went on a study tour to Croatia; planned an entire hotel from the structure to the doorknobs; had my first performance with The Hip Drop DC at Stapelbäddsparken; finished my sophomore year in college; attended for the first time the Copenhagen Streetdance Camp; interned for architect David Garcia: saw Britney Spears; went to Macedonia for summer holidays; went to Alanya, Turkey on a second vacation, made new friends; had a stomach-ache that lasted for 12 days; started my bachelor year in college; had a workshop with Drura Parrish; attended my third annual ASAE Symposium; became an assistant at The Hip Drop Dance Complex; attended a workshop with Michael Jackson's dancers; got robbed; joined a dance crew; performed at the 5 year anniversary event for T.H.D.D.C; attended a workshop with the S**t Kingz - now some of my favorite people in the world; got the swine-flu shot; met Cody; performed with my dance crew on national television; planned a 1500m2 museum; made wonderful new friends; was part of a flashmob dance raid in Copenhagen; moved to Lund.

And that's only what I remembered at the moment! So many memories, so many experiences, all the people I've met, talked to, dated, worked with. It's amazing how blessed I am to live the life I'm living, for nothing in return. I don't have to sacrifice a goat to the oracles, or anything!

Can you believe that it has now been 10 years since 2000?! I'm curious to know if my fellow peers feel as I do. I was born in the late 80's, and grew up in the 90's, so those are the years that I consider "the past". When 2000 hit, it was sort of like a new chapter, it was the new event, it became the partition that divided time into 'the past', and 'the recent'. And ever since, when I've talked about 2001 or 2004 it always seemed to me as if it was oh just a couple of years ago, you know, recently. Well I turn my head for one second, it seems, and it is now 2010, a decade since the Y2K freakout! I will repeat myself, a DECADE! Imagine future kids, perhaps my grandkids, that are gonna be born in, i don't know, 2047? When I tell them I was born 1988 they're gonna think I'm prehistoric! My nickname will be grandpa Pitecantropus Erectus!

Okay, so I am now in my third decade of this lifetime, the most important one yet. The first decade I was in the inevitable process of growing up. The second decade I chose a path. Now comes the third one, the result of the experiment, the review after a play, the part where everything I've done shows results. I am on the verge of finishing my education, only two more years until my hopes and dreams are shattered the minute I graduate as I face what we call the real world. And then what? That's the exciting part! What will I do then? Will I immediately hunt for my dream job, will I accept one of the many offers I've received so far, will I travel to see where I'm best suited? Will I be the kind of person who sits in the back of the bus and does little in life, or will I be the kind of person who takes charge, throws himself out there and actually does something? What are the odds that I might change someones life? Save someones life? Or will I contribute with absolutely nothing to this world, more than wasting the Earth's oxygen? Who will I meet? Who will turn out to be a long-life friend? Who will fade away and become a mere memory? So. Many. Freaking. Questions! And I can't wait to get out there and answer them!

Okay okay, philosophy class dismissed! You may now wake up from the trance I put you in and go about your business!

Take a second and think back on last year and everything you've done, and tomorrow is another ba-log day!

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